DDMALL Membership Prime Day Flash Sale is on the Go!

To all DDMALL members
Thank you for the support on DDMALL since it was established by Atel in 2006. We met difficulties, experienced bitterness and we gained a lot of approvals. We grow and thrive with you, our honorable guest and partner as always!
A special promotion from Jun. 15th-Jun. 30th each year will be held for all members! During the flash sale, you will see a much lower price than normal. If you haven't chosen a streaming device for your live broadcasting, event, workshop, drones, surveillance systems, camera, TV systems, gopro etc. we have streaming solutions for you.
During the shopping, you can always contact us for any support you need! Emails support@ddmalltech.com or market-vp@ddmalltech.com are in place in case you cannot find us online.
Best wishes and may you all Happy journeys!